Friday, August 22, 2008

Things to come

To have the chance to do something you truly love is an amazing gift from God. I fell in love with photography at the ripe age of 10 years old. My grandfather would bring his old Minolta 35mm SLR to family events and at the end of every family gathering was "portrait time" We would all gather in our groups and my grandfather would adjust, pose and tweak what needed to be changed before snapping the shutter button.
I loved to help him gather the family and even began to help pose people. As I entered high school I took any art classes and worked on the yearbook editing and photography team. While my friends sat in the bleachers gossiping about who kissed who, I was taking pictures of the soccer team and enjoying myself outside the loop. My junior year of high school my friends parents were low on cash and so I took her senior pictures. I remember feeling really nervous but they turned out beautiful, at that moment the lovebug bit me hard. After high school I began working at the Meijer photo lab, just to be a part of atmosphere and learn all I could about the equipment it takes to become a good photographer.
I began taking pictures for friends and family the next summer. Struggling to figure out what I wanted to do with my life I started at KVCC for nursing only to lack the confidence it takes to complete I ended up going to Chic University of Cosmetology. My photography took second place, I was so busy with school and trying to work a part time job. Once I graduated from Chic and passed my state boards I began to realize how much I missed taking pictures. I grabbed my camera and went to Milham Park in Kalamazoo and just began taking pictures of nature. Leaves, flowers, a grandma playing with her grandchild or a squirrel gathering nuts whatever inspired me.
My three main inspirations are my husband J and my two children, Lily and Irie. J bought my first camera for me in January 2002 (a late Christmas gift). It was a 35mm Canon Rebel SLR. I love that camera, would not trade it or sell it for anything or to anyone.
Recently I have been shooting digital SLR Nikon Camera. I love the versitility it offers me as a photographer and also what I can do for my clients.
I am so passionate about what I do as a photographer. I enjoy capturing moments not just placing a client into a pose and saying "cheese" anyone can do that. Not everyone can capture beauty and artistry.

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