Friday, August 22, 2008

Renee and John November 24, 2007

Sharing the joy of a couple's wedding day is a wonderful experience. It is more special when that day includes having the chance to photograph that day for a family member. My sister in law Renee and her fiance John were wed November 24, 2007. What made this occasion much more memorable than any other event I have done is the fact that I was 9 months pregnant with my son Irie and due that day!
Renee had lined up another photographer to be there for the event to help, considering that I was going to so pregnant and DUE.
When I arrived at the church to begin taking pictures I noticed the other photographer had not arrived. Which was fine, I began taking pictures of the bride and the ladies when I had finally moved on to the guys I then asked John "Where's Christina?" John replies "She's not here?" He looked quite upset, I told him not to worry about it because I didn't think my water would break anytime soon!
So for this I want to thank my son Irie for being a week overdue making Aunt Renee a very happy and beautiful bride!


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